


SKU: WC21-WK207 Category: Tags: ,


207: Integrity Redeemed: Setting Captives Free from Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Jim Cress, M.A.
Jim Cress Counseling and Consulting
1136 Sam Newell Rd.
Matthews, NC 28105

Our churches and counseling offices are being impacted by pornography, infidelity, and sex addiction like never before. The problem is at pandemic levels, yet there is a significant deficit concerning a proven plan to deal with the devastation in the lives of men, women, and families. Surface-level advice, strategies, accountability groups, and sermons only scratch the surface of the depth of this problem of sexual brokenness and bondage. This workshop will help attendees gain a deeper understanding of the impact of family of origin, neurobiology, attachment, trauma, sin, and the high-octane nature of addiction to Internet pornography. A proven, practical, biblical, research-informed treatment plan for sex addiction will be presented as well.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Outline a clear overview of the scope of the problem of pornography, infidelity, and sex addiction in the Church
• Assess how family of origin, trauma, attachment, sin, and addiction impact the brain, body, and soul of a person, and gain a clearer picture of how sexual acting out is a futile attempt to medicate traumatic wounds
• Implement a proven clinical and biblical treatment plan for mental health professionals to safely, effectively, and successfully help those struggling with pornography, infidelity, and sex addiction

Additional information

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