


SKU: WC21-WK515 Category: Tags: ,


515: Before We Said Hello: Grieving After Infant Loss

Suzanne Foster, M.A.
Fostering Hope Counseling
9185 E. Kenyon Ave., Ste. 120
Denver, CO 80237

Becky Nordquist, A.S.
Music For The Soul
P.O. Box 159027
Nashville, TN 37215

One in four pregnancies ends in the loss of an infant. These losses can occur through miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, perinatal loss, or during the first year of life (e.g., SIDS death). When a baby dies, so do the dreams of being a parent, and the loss and ensuing grief are devastating. This workshop describes the complex emotions a woman feels after such a loss, how partners grieve individually and differently, the importance of protecting the marital relationship, secondary losses, crisis of faith that Christian clients often experience after such a loss, and specific biblical techniques used in working with this population. In addition, mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc., are discussed along with practical strategies for helping licensed mental health clinicians move clients forward in their grief journey.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Discuss all aspects of infant loss so that licensed mental health professionals will gain a better understanding of the issues facing those who have experienced this type of loss
• Identify the physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, and spiritual aspects of grief after infant loss and what makes this loss different than other types of loss
• Develop strategies and best practice ideas for licensed mental health professionals working with clients who are experiencing mental health issues after the loss of an infant

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