


SKU: WC21-WK706 Category: Tags: ,


706: Building Intimacy and Sexual Health for Couples Post Betrayal Trauma

Barbara Schoene, M.S.
Barbara Schoene, MFT
901 Dove St.
Newport Beach, CA 92660

After a well-formulated therapeutic disclosure, led by trained and experienced therapists, a couple may choose to remain in the relationship and build a strong intimate relationship. Timing is critical. There may be a need for a short therapeutic separation and time for healing. Then the building begins, creating a safe environment, clearly defining expectations, assessing and improving communication skills, attending to physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and sexual closeness, and at the right time, introducing the concept of building a new and better sexual partnership by starting at square one, the basics. Triggers are inevitable at this stage. The therapist must attend to any sign of objectification. The goal is to build a stronger, deeper, and more secure relationship as a safeguard against any further betrayal.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Formulate a plan to guide clients through a healing process post betrayal by using the tools gained in this workshop
• Analyze the pitfalls inherent in therapy with a licensed mental health professional in guiding a couple to a strong attachment and sexual intimacy post betrayal
• Outline a step-by-step process to re-introduce sexual behavior to a couple where sexual betrayal has occurred

Additional information

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