001. Human Flourishing: The Path through Brokenness and Addiction to a Resilient Mind 

001. Human Flourishing: The Path through Brokenness and Addiction to a Resilient Mind 


Approved for 1 CEs for Psychologists, Licensed Professionals Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and Chemical Dependency Counselors 

Approved for 1 CMEs for Medical Doctors, Osteopathic Physicians, and Physicians Assistants 

Approved for 1 CEUs for Nurses and Nurse Practitioners 

Approved for 1 IBCC CEs for Pastors, Pastoral Counselors, Teachers, and Coaches 

Level: Intermediate 


Tim Clinton, Ed.D. 


Many mental health and medical professionals have experienced personal growth and the growth of their patients and clients through hardship. The new research on human flourishing and resiliency has found that difficult times can be the catalyst to change and ultimately personal development. In this workshop, participants will explore the multiple factors that allow for patients, clients, and professionals to grow in the midst of adversity such as emotion regulation, community support/ familial resilience, strong religious faith, and more. Participants will be able to understand how human flourishing and resilience has launched a new way of looking at and engaging with preventative medicine, which affords mental health and medical professionals to collaborate in positive more prosocial ways in order to prevent later issues with the family and individuals. Participants will learn and develop new strategies and techniques to help clients and patients build resilience and work towards human flourishing.  

 Learning Objectives  

Participants will:  

1. Describe the new research on human flourishing and resilience as it relates to preventative medicine.   

2. Outline multiple factors that increase human flourishing in clients and patients such as emotion regulation, support systems, and religious faith.   

3. Learn and apply new strategies and techniques that foster human flourishing in clients and patients.