219 – Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Substance Abuse Issues in Today’s Athletes


Media Format: Audio Online Streaming

SKU: WC19-WK219SA Category:


For the past 19 years, Dr. Taylor has worked as a board-certified, general, child/adolescent, and
addiction psychiatrist where a considerable amount of his knowledge has been in private

practice and as an educator/speaker. Currently, he holds the position as Medical Director of the
Player Assistance/Anti-Drug Program of the National Basketball Association. His heart is to
provide education and treatment for young athletes through his various fields of expertise. He
also has cutting-edge knowledge in the field of addiction medicine.

Presented by: Steven Taylor, M.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Analyze why athletes face depression and anxiety that may lead to substance abuse
  2. Explore ways to guide clients to begin the recovery process as young, talented athletes
  3. Learn the stress of peer pressure, especially as an athlete striving to reach and maintain