


SKU: WC21-PC011 Category: Tags: ,


011: Defusing Landmines: Healing the Pathways of Betrayal and Trauma

Jesse Gill, Psy.D.
Psychological Health Affiliates
108 South Main St.
Manheim, PA 17545

Trauma experiences are stored in supercharged and unpredictable patterns in the human mind and body, much like a minefield. The storing of these experiences is designed to help victims survive past and future threats. However, the shockwaves of these experiences can be profoundly dysregulating to traumatized individuals and disruptive to their attachment relationships. This is especially true when betrayal was an element of the original trauma. Yet, even amid such devastation, God is our Way Maker. In this workshop, psychologists and mental health professions will learn Attachment Theory, Scripture, and neuroscience to instruct us to navigate the landmines and reprogram pathways to wholeness.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Develop a holistic understanding of the survival responses which God has given humans to survive life and death situations in this fallen world
• Name the unique ways that trauma is stored in the three components of our mind to bring better regulation to specific areas of the mind and body
• Practice therapeutic postures for a licensed mental health professional or psychologist, which may be used to reprogram new experiences of attachment security for clients who have experienced betrayal trauma

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