041: Moral Injury of Abortion: A Framework for Education, Healing, and Grace
Kay Lyn Carlson, M.S.W.
Choose Grace International
5207 Hickory Park Dr., Ste. E
Glen Allen, VA 23059
Greg Hasek, M.A.
Southwest Florida Christian Counseling
24840 Burnt Pine Dr., Stes. 1 & 2
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Abortion stirs the human heart in profound ways that are often indescribable and incomprehensible. “How could I” is often the question many health care professionals, lay counselors, clergy, etc., hear from their clients (women and men) after abortion(s). This session will offer clarity to those puzzling, unanswered questions through the added lens of social psychology. Abortion is complicated, misunderstood, and frequently mischaracterized by powerholders that can further alienate loved ones from seeking help. For abortion to be best understood and treated, a holistic approach (bio/psycho/social/spiritual) will be presented.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Examine men and women’s cultural conditioning responses to a pregnancy crisis
• Define moral injury and insights to identifying and treating abortion harm by licensed mental health professionals
• Compare and contrast moral injury assessment and treatment in military personnel to moral injury after abortion