


SKU: WC21-PC049 Category: Tags: ,


049: The Angry Brain, Toxic Anger, and Domestic Violence

Barry Lord, Psy.D.
Southern California Seminary
2075 E. Madison Ave.
El Cajon, CA 92019

Every four minutes, a spouse is injured as a result of domestic violence. This workshop will look at violence as a result of chronically angry and dangerous individuals within families. We will examine how anger works within the brain, how various brain parts function, and how the brain talks to itself. Also, we will discuss how perpetrators view themselves and the role of power and control in domestic violence. Finally, we will identify the cycle of change.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Outline how the “angry brain” functions (Brain Map)
• Assess when anger is toxic and when it is not (Biological Effects)
• Prepare to recognize and help couples to work problems, not people (Self-aware)
• Compare and contrast power and control techniques for licensed mental health professionals and psychologists that enrich or harm relationships (Self-control)

Additional information

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