323: Money and Its Impact on Marriage
Jay Lafoon
Celebrate Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 93
Alma, MI 48801
Laura Lafoon
Celebrate Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 93
Alma, MI 48801
Regardless of how little or how much money a couple has, it is often one of the most significant issues in any marriage. Financial challenges impact every aspect of a relationship. This workshop will discuss how coaches and pastoral counselors can address the topic of money, its impact on marriage, and how to overcome the challenges money issues bring. Using humor and their own personal “money” stories, the Laffoon’s, in partnership with Thrivent, delve into the vast array of ways that money yields influence in marriage.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify how and why money is so impactful on a couple’s relationship
• Discuss how money influences how a couple functions
• Outline techniques for coaches and pastoral counselors to help clients overcome the challenges money issues bring