Recent Research


So-So or Sozo?

 Eric Scalise, Ph.D.   What does it mean to thrive or flourish in life? In a world where everything seems to be overanalyzed and word-smithed through a lens of political correctness or cultural relevance, is it OK to prosper? The word “thrive” implies moving beyond mere survival and demonstrating growth, positive development, advancement, and success. […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Fear Knots or Fear Nots?

 Eric Scalise, Ph.D. One can hardly turn on the news or see an Internet feed and not hear or read about the latest natural disaster, heartrending tragedy, untimely accident, senseless shooting, or act of violent terrorism. Indeed, the world seems filled with turmoil. Our nation is increasingly on edge, and thousands wake up every day […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

The Privilege of Ignorance

When is the last time you thought about Native Americans? Non-Native people have the privilege of ignoring the realities faced by American Indians unless, of course, they are watching Disney’s Pocahontas, cheering on the Washington Redskins, or attending their child’s First Thanksgiving school play. But ignorance comes at a cost—especially for those who identify as Christ-followers and are called, in humility, to […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Helping Groups Heal: Leading Small Groups in the Process of Transformation

As counselors, we engage with people every day about their deepest experiences of pain and struggle. We live in a broken world, filled with disappointment, problems, and difficulties. This is a predictable part of life. Jesus promised that “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33a). So this “promise” likely rings true for you. […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago

Serve Us or Service?

 Eric Scalise, Ph.D.   Human nature at its core is basically self-absorbed, self-ish, and self-centered. This is simply a result of the fall from grace that occurred in the Garden of Eden so many years ago. Children come into this life, literally screaming for attention… arms outstretched toward those who give care and sustenance, only […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago

Well Done: Creating a Win-Win Marriage

 Eric Scalise, Ph.D.   An oft quoted verse of Scripture related to marriage is, “The two shall become one” (Eph. 5:31). Unfortunately for many couples, once the marriage ceremony is over, the adventure begins when a husband and wife start arguing about, “Which one?” Outside of an individual’s decision to follow Christ, marriage is one […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago

Stepping Stones to a Healthy Stepfamily: Stepfathers with Children

  Excerpted with permission from Stepping Stones to a Healthy Stepfamily   The good news? Any stepdad with previous parenting experience is already better qualified to handle the stress of the job. The bad news? Not even previous parenting experience can prepare you for how difficult it will be to take a back seat when […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago

Pastors In Transition

When God changes the paths of ministers and leads them in new directions, it can feel isolating and discouraging. Transitioning from life as a pastor to life outside of the pulpit can be a difficult and challenging process as those who have spent their entire career as pastors adjust into a new career.  Pastors in Transition, founded […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago

Leading Well in the Home

 Eric Scalise, Ph.D.   There are multiple and sometimes, ambiguous definitions of what we refer to as “leadership.” Leaders have been characterized as visionary, transformational, charismatic, and even servant-oriented. In today’s post-modern culture, one that increasingly undermines a Christian worldview, leadership challenges abound everywhere for moms and dads in the 21st century. Many would argue […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago

The Call to Care: Lay Counseling and the Local Church

 Eric Scalise, Ph.D. We are surrounded and often consumed by our fast-paced, push-button, instant-everything world. Anxiety and depression, substance abuse, marital conflicts, sexual addiction, domestic violence, child abuse, unwanted pregnancy—and the list could go on—are far too commonplace. The truth is that people are hurting and the church is hurting. The Apostle Paul said, “If […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago