Marriage & Family: A Christian Journal

A Publication of the American Association of Christian Counselors 

Call for Papers:

The Marriage & Family: A Christian Journal is published in accordance with the purposes of the sponsoring organization, the American Association of Christian Counselors. Bi-Annual issues (May and September, along with an annual special issue in January) include a variety of topics that serve to advance the development and understanding of therapies from and within a Christian perspective. The purpose of this journal is not to develop an additional theological expose, but rather to enhance and deepen the efficacy of the Christian ethic within the realm of clinical therapies. Towards that end, the Marriage & Family: A Christian Journal seeks cutting edge articles based on research, theory, clinical practice, and training through an integrated lens.

Desired Research Themes:

  •  Models of marriage and the marriage relationship 

  • Successful relationship models 

  • Pre-marital assessment and preparation 

  • Couples and families in crisis 

  • Relationship between marriage and families in the context of church and community 

  • The effects of church and community on marriage and family 

  • Addressing the needs of vulnerable populations 

  • Addressing the needs of racial/ethnic and marginalized populations 

  • Emerging and foundational therapies with couples and families 

  • Treatment of trauma through marriage and family modalities 

  • The effects of traumatic experiences in relationships 

  • Impact of individual therapy on the family system 

  • Evidenced-based practices with Christian populations 

  • Prevention and intervention practices with Christian populations 

  • Professional practice, ethics, and advocacy 

  • Other research expanding the field of Christian counseling 

How to Submit:

Characteristics of published article:

Articles published in Marriage & Family: A Christian Journal should display the following characteristics: (a) sound theology and theological integration (i.e., consistent with Evangelical Christianity; (b) sound psychology and clinical integration (i.e., consistent with the quality required by the major licensing bodies); and (c) excellence in methodological and statistical practices. Articles should be clearly written and easy to read. They should describe something that was not previously known or clarify and deepen existing research. All articles should have some practical emphasis. Authors should attempt to relate theory to application and research, application to research and theory, or theory to application. Generally, at a minimum, authors should identify, often near the end of the article but sometimes woven throughout the article, implications of their paper for practice and for research. It is especially important for articles on practice to identify implications for researcher-scholars and for articles on research to identify implications for practice. 

Preparation of Articles:

Length: Articles should not exceed 4,800 words unless a compelling case is made.

Masked Review:

All articles will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and other scholars with expertise in the general area of the article. Noninvited full-length articles will be reviewed using a masked review. Invited full-length articles will be reviewed (but the identity of the author will not be masked unless the author requests it). 

Manuscript Submission:

Submit manuscripts, with a cover letter, and CV to Dr. Mark Mayfield, Editor, ( All articles should adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed. The cover letter should include the author’s name, address, phone number, email address, and assurances that (a) the manuscript is not under simultaneous consideration at any other publication outlet and (b) the manuscript has been prepared for a masked review. The editor will try to send an initial decision (accept, accept contingent on acceptable revision, reject but recommend to revise and resubmit, or reject) and feedback from reviewers within three months of receipt of the manuscript. If a decision to publish is rendered, the author will supply the most up-to-date version via electronic submission.


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Board of Reference Application

Call for Submissions