Search Results for: counseling


Christian Counseling – Treating the Disease rather than the Symptoms

Joshua Spaulding Christian leaders dedicate their lives to the advancement of the gospel. The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16). The “salvation” referred to in the first chapter of Romans (and throughout the Scriptures) is spiritual. It is the salvation from the penalty, power and presence of sin. Though God certainly […]

By THE AACC, 9 years ago

A Forgiveness Check: Is Your Forgiveness Real?

by Dan Seaborn Lately, I have been thinking about what it means to forgive someone. As Christians, we hear about forgiveness regularly, and it’s become such a familiar concept that we don’t always think too deeply about it.  Personal experience has taught me just how hard forgiveness can be. It can also be difficult to […]

By AACC, 1 day ago

Classified Listing – WinShape Homes Clinical Care Senior Counselor

Position: WinShape Homes Clinical Care Senior Counselor Scope of Position: The counselor position will provide individual and family counseling services in order to bring the inner healing ministry of Jesus Christ to children and families in the child welfare system that we serve. Participates on staff team: Works closely with clinical care team, foster care […]

By JONATHAN STEELE, 2 days ago

Why God Hates Divorce (and the Purpose of Marriage)

by Mitzi Brown, M.A., LMHC, LPC   It is a fact: God does hate divorce (Malachi 2:16, English Standard Version, 2001). Women who have been in unfaithful or abusive marriages with unrepentant men have said this to me. Many believe that God wants them to remain in unsafe relationships because God hates divorce—and this makes […]

By AACC, 1 week ago

Cultivating Humility on the Road to Food Addiction Recovery

by Rhona Epstein, Psy.D, C.A.C. We all know the adage: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”  Growing up, we learned to work hard in school to get good grades. If we struggled to get an A, we studied harder. Then, we learned to work hard in our jobs to get a promotion. […]

By AACC, 3 weeks ago

Hope & Healing for Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Sex is one of God’s greatest gifts to deepen relationships of couples, but like every good gift, “the enemy of our souls” distorts it and uses it to steal true intimacy, kill integrity, and destroy the beauty of God’s gift. Those who struggle with sexual integrity need two valuable resources: hope and healing—hope to find a process that helps them climb out of the shame, lies, and despair, and healing for the emotional and relational wounds that may have caused, but certainly result from, poor choices.

In this workbook, the insightful and compassionate team at Faithful & True invite you to join them. They’ve taken the journey of hope and healing, and you can too.


By DOUG REID, 1 month ago

Four Keys to Building Friendship in Marriage

by Mitzi Brown, M.A., LMHC, LPC   Most of us know what initially attracts us to someone—personality, appearance, reputation, etc. But friendship, more than any of those qualities, may be one of the most important aspects of marriage.  I know this was the case with my marriage. Friendship served us well over our many years […]

By AACC, 1 month ago

Practicing Therapy as a Christian: The Way I See It

by John Eklund, MSW, LCSW “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” – C.S. Lewis What if I told you that everything we do in life—and, for that matter, everything we don’t do in life—is a […]

By AACC, 2 months ago

Rebuilding Broken Trust

by Leslie Vernick, MSW   When a relationship suffers a severe breach of trust, it signals it is in deep trouble. If the relationship is to be fully restored, trust needs to be rebuilt—and the process of rebuilding trust takes time and effort. Sometimes, the burden of trusting again is unfairly placed on the betrayed […]

By AACC, 2 months ago

The Importance of Community in Food Addiction Recovery

by Rhona Epstein, Ph.D. As counselors, we all know the invaluable benefits of therapy in treating any kind of addiction. Having a designated place and confidant to talk through the underlying issues that inform the addictive process is crucial for breakthrough and understanding. But, in my experience—both personally and professionally—counseling isn’t enough to fully shift […]

By AACC, 2 months ago