Search Results for: counseling


Mission The AACC is committed to encouraging, strengthening and serving Christian mental health professionals including licensed psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychotherapists, marriage and family therapists, addictions counselors, and counselors, as well as Christian life and mental health coaches, pastors, lay counselors and the community at large. Our goal is to equip those in the helping […]

By JEVAN FLEENOR, 4 years ago

Pandemic Depression? Twenty-Five Come Alive! 25 + Ways to Treat Your Own Depression

Pandemic Depression? Twenty-Five Come Alive! 25 + Ways to Treat Your Own Depression by Lois A. Dodds, M.A., M.A., Ph.D., L.P.C. Depressed?  Of course! Without a doubt this year of the pandemic and all its “shut in” realities can make any of us depressed!  It is a normal and common response to the distressing events in […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

AACC Statement on Racial Reconciliation

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** June 3, 2020 CONTACT: American Association of Christian Counselors | | (800) 526-8673 AACC Statement on Racial Reconciliation The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) condemns violence against African-American men and women, and all people of color. We stand against all forms of racism, bigotry, and violence.   At the heart of the […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Is Pro-choice Ignoring Men?

Is Pro-choice Ignoring Men? by Save The Storks Recognizing Men and Lost Fatherhood in the Era of Women’s Choice Since its legalization in 1973 the abortion debate has mainly focused on women’s rights: her right to choose; her body; her choice. But what about the fathers? In a society that celebrates abortion and a woman’s right […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Sin, Racial Bias, and Ahmaud Arbery

Sin, Racial Bias, and Ahmaud Arbery by Mark Crear, Ph.D.  What does sin look like? Even in the midst of a nationwide pandemic, you cannot run from the violent aggressiveness, profiling, and, ultimately, tragic and senseless deaths that haunt our nation. Specifically, I am speaking of the senseless death of Ahmaud Arbery. It was stated, “He (Ahmaud […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

The Answer to COVID Stress is not in the Fridge!

The Answer to COVID Stress is not in the Fridge! by Rhona Epstein, Psy.D., C.A.C. Social media sites are flooded these days with jokes about eating and weight gain during this difficult season.  Countless memes joke about joining AA or Weight Watchers at the end of quarantine, there are pictures of obese Barbie dolls labelled […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Teletherapy in a COVID-19 World

Teletherapy in a COVID-19 World by Dr. Mark Mayfield I don’t know about you, but over these past four weeks, I’ve been stretched and challenged in ways that I never expected. When I was a clinical mental health master’s student at Denver Seminary, I remember a professor telling me to embrace the ambiguity, which seemed […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Reclaiming Sanity In the Midst of a Pandemic

Reclaiming Sanity In the Midst of a Pandemic by Dr. Laurel Shaler Jesus talks a lot about not being afraid. In fact, He devotes Matthew 6:25–34 to instructing us not to worry. He tells us that we don’t need to worry about our lives because God will take care of all the details. He also reminds us […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

AACC Spring 2020 President’s Report

Dear AACC Family, Please know that we are praying for, and with, you all as we move forward through uncharted waters during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have claimed Philippians 4:4-9 as an anchor for our team and efforts here, and trust that God is with us as we pray for His guidance, wisdom, and sustaining […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Coronavirus Attacks Both Budgets, Bodies: Helping Couples Face the Fear of Financial Fallout

Coronavirus Attacks Both Budgets, Bodies: Helping Couples Face the Fear of Financial Fallout by Shaunti Feldhahn As the coronavirus spreads across America, it is closely followed by economic fallout[1]. Symptoms of Covid19 include stock markets in freefall, plummeting tourism revenues, and talk of rolling recession[2]. Fear of financial fallout is top of mind for millions […]

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By AACC, 4 years ago