Understanding the Empty Nest Syndrome

Raising children is a large part of many couples’ marriage, so when it comes time for children to leave home, many parents struggle to adjust. The “Empty Nest” can be a time of great grief and loss, particularly for parents who had a child-centered home. Additional complications may ensue with the return of children or […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

The Silent Struggle of Infertility

Approximately a third of all infertility cases are attributable to the female, a third to males and a third to both partners. It rarely kills, is mostly invisible, not discussed in public, not always grieved by family and friends in the same way and may produce a crisis of faith. Learn how to walk through […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Shame Off You: Made in the Image of God

When God created the first man and woman, they were free from shame. Once sin occurred, shame became an overwhelming force in their lives that affected their views of self, others, and God. This presentation helps you to understand shame, its influence in your life, and what can be done to relieve its toxic effects.

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Domestic Violence, Rape and Sexual Assault

Violence, especially sexual violence remains prevalent in today’s society. Child abuse, rape and date rape, sexual assaults and other forms of unwanted sexual contact, all exact an enormous toll on their victims. The emotional relational and spiritual aftermath can be confusing for many. Learn how to navigate the trauma and journey toward healing and recovery.

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

We Need to Talk: Successfully Navigating Conflict

Learn why conflict is a part of all healthy relationships and how healthy conflict can bring you closer to those you care about. Dr. Linda Mintle discusses the relationship between conflict resolution and trust, the six conflict styles, and six steps to working through a conflict.

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Emotional Safety: Raising Kids Who Live, Love and Lead Well

Dr. Joshua Straub shares the factors that contribute to emotional safety and the characteristics of an emotionally safe home. The challenges to emotional safety, as well as solutions, are discussed. Dr. Straub equips parents with 10 strategies to enhance emotional safety over time.

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Understanding Your Emotions

by David Stoop Using biblical examples to help unearth the influence of our early family experiences, Dr. David Stoop presents an insightful look into the emotions we struggle with on a daily basis. He also provides clear direction on letting God heal the areas of pain in our lives emotionally and spiritually. This teaching will […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

The Fear Knots of Your Heart

Fear is a natural response to certain events we face, but often keeps us from enjoying life or taking the actions necessary to overcome our challenges. However, by summoning spiritual faith, personal courage and practical strategies, we can transform the “Fear Knots” of our hearts into the “Fear Nots” found in God’s promises.

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

You and Your Body: Understanding Eating Disorders

Research estimates that up to 24 million people suffer from eating disorders, which also have the highest mortality rates among psychiatric diagnoses. Understand the categories of eating disorders, risk factors, the impact on family dynamics, comorbid conditions and treatment options for effective care.

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

From Mourning to Morning: Grief and Loss

Grief and loss are normal and universal, but how we process and manage these events is unique and individual. Grief is experienced when there has been a loss of an intimate relationship or some other object of concern and/or affection. We grieve because we love and it is the active intentional decision to face the […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Seven Habits of a Healthy Marriage

Every couple desires to have a healthy, balanced, and vibrant marriage. People who are successful in all walks of life have often learned what it takes to produce excellence. Explore some of the common denominators that are critical in going from good to great and develop a biblical understanding on “running the race with endurance.”

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Getting Unstuck: The Road to Healing and Recovery

The road to recovery and healing is a journey that begins with taking personal responsibility, cleaning out the infected heart, renewing the mind with godly precepts and making a commitment to action. God is available every step of the process and provides opportunities for renewal, a fresh start and transformed living.

By THE AACC, 7 years ago