Search Results for: counseling


The Neurobiology of Trauma and Traumatic Relationships

Eric Scalise, Ph.D. This article was originally published in Christian Counseling Today, Volume 20-3 Trauma and its cognitive, neurobiological, emotional and relational consequences have been studied by researchers for decades. The type of trauma affects responses, although this can still vary from individual to individual. Basic trauma can result from natural disasters, accidents, and disease, […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

The Highway of Life

Margaret Nagib, Psy.D. Highways. I love them. I love the freedom to drive in the direction of my destination without traffic lights, stop signs, or detours. They are by far the quickest most efficient way to get where you want to go.  There is only one problem. They can be long. Depending on the destination, highways can be long and uninteresting. […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Falling in Love, Staying in Love: How to Keep Romance Alive

David Arp, M.S.W. and Claudia Arp, B.S. This article was originally published in Christian Counseling Today, Volume 23-1 One of the most difficult parts of marriage is staying in love and keeping romance alive over the years. Having logged more than five decades together, we can tell you it is hard work, but not impossible—especially if […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

AACC CounselAlert 6-23-16: California Senate Bill 1146 Poses Threat to Christian Colleges and Universities

AACC CounselAlert 6-23-16   California Senate Bill 1146 Poses Threat to Christian Colleges and Universities   The state of California, due to its size, association with the entertainment industry, accompanying celebrities, and huge economic impact has long lead the nation as a cultural trendsetter. Recently, a very controversial piece of legislation passed the state Senate, […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Eight Tips to Foster Resilience in Clients

Lisa Murray, M.A. Growing up, my mother always told me that life wasn’t fair.  Aside from the truth that Jesus loves me, this may have been one of her greatest gifts to me.   It seems that so much energy is wasted trying to make every aspect of every moment “fair” for our children that […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Throwback Thursday: The Agile Lifestyle: React, Recognize and Realign

Kathie Erwin, Ed.D., LMHC, NCC, NCGC Originally posted 4/22/14 In business management, the agile organization is prized for the ability to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing economy. It seems that some of the characteristics of the agile organization can be applied to help our clients develop an “agile lifestyle” as well. Let’s adapt […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Falling in Love, Staying in Love: How to Keep Romance Alive

David Arp, M.S.W. and Claudia Arp, B.S. This article was originally published in Christian Counseling Today, Volume 23-1 One of the most difficult parts of marriage is staying in love and keeping romance alive over the years. Having logged more than five decades together, we can tell you it is hard work, but not impossible—especially if […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

AS/ASD Special Interest and Gender Identity/Dysphoria

Stephanie C. Holmes MA, BCCC, Certified Autism Specialist   A Discussion with Dr. Tony Attwood, World Renowned AS/ASD Expert This AS/ASD special interest article will address an issue of growing concern that we in the Christian counseling field can neither be ignorant or insensitive about in the world of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  When I was in […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Throwback Thursday: The Urgent Need for Christian Counselors for our Military

Major General Bob Dees, U.S. Army, Retired, AACC Military Director Originally posted 11/12/2012 The mental and behavioral health challenges facing our nation’s military are unprecedented.  The military suicide statistics alone are tragic—what the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff termed “a national epidemic.”  These suicide dynamics, combined with the lingering effects of military deployments […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Rewriting History in Your Relationships

Gregory Jantz, Ph.D. When a relationship is infested with hidden anger and unexposed truths, it is an unresolved relationship. Unresolved relationships are a source of pain. It is important to remember, however, that bringing resolution to a relationship does not mean the relationship will be good or positive or perfect. Bringing resolution to a relationship […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago