040 – Shame Interrupted: God?۪s Beautiful Words to the Disgraced


Media Format: Audio USB (MP3)

SKU: WC19-PC040A Category:


Once you identify shame, you can see it everywhere because it is everywhere. With a human struggle that is so endemic, we would hope that Scripture counters with major storylines about shame and honor rather than proof texts??_ and, indeed, it does. Scripture is about shame from the outset. Its most prominent questions include: Where can I find covering for my nakedness? How can I belong? How can I be truly washed even from the acts of others against me? Its answers point the way to covering, belonging, and cleansing that are called glorious.

Presented by: Ed Welch, M.Div., Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Identify shame in Scripture and distinguish it from guilt
  2. Be able to use well-known Scripture with those who experience shame
  3. Be led in knowing Jesus better and worshipping Him