064 – Tragedy into Triumph


Media Format: Audio USB (MP3)

SKU: WC19-PL064A Category:


A former colligate athlete at the University of Tennessee
who became permanently injured on the field shares his
story of how overcoming hardships inspires people how to
face challenges and live with a greater purpose. The injury
left him with a paralyzed right arm, but that has not caused
him to lose his determination for life and his unrelenting
hope. His book, An Amazing Story of Faith and Perseverance,
explores how his injury did not crush his spirit or diminish
his motivation. He now mentors underprivileged youth and
athletes through leading by example and encouraging them
to embrace the challenges of life.

Presented by: Inquoris “Inky” Johnson

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Unpack how everyday challenges can be turned into motivation for success
  2. Inspire clients to face their hardships head-on and overcome what they thought would be impossible
  3. Rediscover hope when it seems lost and learn how this can apply to leadership and teamwork skills