209 – Parenting Today’s Adolescent: Understanding, Empathizing, and Equipping


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK209C Category:


Every marriage and family therapist will inevitably encounter parents needing help, especially
when their child(ren) approach adolescence. Popular voices barrage parents with opinions and
platitudes that can be contradictory and confusing, causing parents and adult caregivers to feel
lost when it comes to understanding and responding to the rapid changes in culture their kids
face as they grow up. Issues affecting adolescent development include everything from the
impact of technology to cyber-bullying and the increasing sense of isolation and anxiety that
has become epidemic among our young. As research explores these changes in the adolescent
experience, theoretical perspectives and clinical efforts to support adolescents and their
parents provide new insights and practices that help today?۪s young people thrive. This
workshop will explore how culture has impacted child and adolescent development and
integrate current theory and best practices that will enable adults, and especially parents, to
more actively and holistically engage 10-20 year-olds.

Presented by: Chap Clark, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Understand the contemporary adolescent experience in order to provide the kind of
    nurturing care and encouragement each one needs to thrive
  2. Describe and be able to empathize with whatever a young person is feeling and/or going
    through so as to build a bridge of trust and support
  3. Be able to demonstrate specific practices and strategies that enable adolescents to thrive as
    they grow toward successful adulthood