222 – The Crisis of Modern-day Meaninglessness and the Way of Hope


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK222C Category:


With the help of an esteemed Coach of Coaches and Investigative Purpose Researcher, this
interactive workshop examines what theologian Frederick Buechner preached, ???The place God
calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world?۪s deep hunger meet.?۝ This

Divine Call quote begs the question, ???How does a Christian coach reconcile that purposeful life-
positivity with the world?۪s alarming malaise over whether each life actually has an intrinsic

purpose???or not??۝ For example, from B.C. to present day, regardless of nationality, race,
ethnicity, age, political affiliation, sexual orientation, career, socioeconomic status,
fame/obscurity, and (ir)religious preference (e.g., atheist, New Age, Christian)???that yea/nay
debate has roared unceasingly with no end in sight. Is it any surprise, then, that the current
fever pitch of the raucous, worldwide argument still exacerbates countless personal crises of
meaninglessness? Informed, holy coaches must address this angst, this rampant existential
emptiness that engenders boredom, apathy, cynicism, disquietude, loneliness, and depression.
To that end, plan to discuss recent research about this global phenom???published by such
entities as Pew, TIME, TED Talks, and the John Templeton Foundation. Additionally, this session
engages with related Scripture and quotations, as well as a clinically-proven, quantitative,
coaching tool, such as the Purpose Venn Diagram, Meaning in Life Questionnaire or Claremont

Purpose Scale. These experiential methods, along with a probe into secular vs. godly purpose-
coaching motives, encourage you to rise up and investigate whether you have been spiritually

gifted with a purpose-coaching proclivity.

Presented by: Katie Brazelton, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Analyze and discuss the apparent needs and benefits of purpose-coaching through the lens of the most recent research
  2. Experiment with at least one, proven, industry coaching tool to critique its features and effectiveness for nudging an individual toward a life of meaningfulness
  3. Compile a list of two, keepsake Scriptures and two, favorite quotes about purpose (from 400, as needed) to help assess and write their true motives for wanting to unleash purpose in clients