223 – The Busy Epidemic: Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout in Leaders


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK223C Category:


We live in a fast-paced, push-button, instant-everything world, where increasing demands are
made on nearly every individual and in nearly every environment. Many of today?۪s leaders are
being stretched beyond their margins, resulting in a greater risk for developing debilitating
stress and burnout-related issues and problems. Physical, emotional, relational, psychological,

and even spiritual upheaval are becoming commonplace. Additionally, the construct of
compassion fatigue, sometimes referred to as vicarious or secondary traumatic stress, has
emerged as a growing concern within the mental health field. Ministry leaders and those in the
helping professions are often thought of as being compassionate people who are frequently in
close proximity to the emotional suffering and trauma of those with whom they work. This

workshop will address the dynamics of stress, burnout, anxiety, compassion fatigue, and self-
care from a biblical perspective.

Presented by: Eric Scalise, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Be able to articulate the differences between stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue, as well as understand the negative impact on the whole person and how these dynamics can impact caregiving effectiveness and core relationships
  2. Critically examine expectations in the helping and leadership process, including those related to growth, change, success, and transference issues, while also having the opportunity to take their own “pulse”
  3. Develop a personal stress prevention and management plan from a holistic and biblical perspective by making a commitment to a balanced life