309 – Children and Media: The Four Pillars of Pornography Prevention — A Proactive Plan for Protecting Kids


Media Format: Audio USB (MP3)

SKU: WC19-WK309A Category:


Pornography sneaks into the lives of even the youngest children who have access to mobile
devices. No child deserves to face the predatory porn industry alone, but how do parents build
resilience in their children so they not only know how to reject porn, but also want to? Raising
kids in a hyper-sexualized world requires a comprehensive parenting strategy, not just a few
tips on how to talk to kids about pornography. For years, best-selling author, Kristen Jenson,
has been researching the best ways to strengthen kids against the pull of porn. In this
workshop, you will learn the Four Pillars of Pornography PreventionTM to guide parents step by
step in raising porn-resistant, emotionally-healthy kids who are armed to reject harmful media
and messages. Plus, parents will discover six strategies for keeping love at the center of the
relationship, while negotiating the stresses of parenting in the digital age. Woven into this
presentation will be memorable success stories, as well as cautionary tales gleaned from eight
years of speaking and interacting with parents and professionals. Additionally, parents will
leave with practical ideas they can immediately begin applying in their homes.

Presented by: Kristen Jenson, M.A.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Learn the four, foundational ways to prepare children to reject pornography, including the need for emotional regulation training, early and layered information about sex, current technical information about filters and accountability software, and specific strategies for processing exposure to pornography
  2. Discover how to create a set of care tags to help their kids recognize and process negative emotions in a healthy way
  3. Identify six ways to improve their parent-child relationship even after a child has sought out pornography