313 – Generalized Anxiety Disorder: From Etiology to Contextualized Treatment


Media Format: Audio Online Streaming

SKU: WC19-WK313SA Category:


An overview of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is discussed with a definition, associated
feature, comorbidities, course and outcomes. The genetic, biological, social, cognitive, and
behavioral etiology of GAD is reviewed, and the theoretical models of GAD are delineated. A
brief literature review outlines reviewed cognitive behavior treatments (CBT) of GAD and their
efficacy. Randomized clinical trials are examined and significant research constructs (treatment
groups, effect sizes, remission rates, recovery rates, drop-out rates) are deliberated in detail. An
essential part of this workshop is the discussion of treatment contextualization. The necessity

of accommodation of CBT is discussed considering recent cultural shifts, the ubiquity of mental
illness, and the need to meet the psychological treatment needs of an ever-changing
multicultural society. The need for religious/spiritual, gerontological, and multicultural
accommodation is considered and its impact on personal theoretical clinical orientation. The
need for manualized CBT treatments and their importance in treatment and supervision
integrity is also discussed.

Presented by: Ken Miller, M.A.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Identify the four major comorbidities of GAD
  2. Study five models of worry
  3. Explore GAD treatment contextualization in their practice/ministry settings