401 – Cutting-edge Treatment for Crisis and Trauma: An Overview of the New Advances and Effective Models


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK401C Category:


There have been tremendous advances in the understanding of trauma and its impact on
people in the last decade. Along with new knowledge about trauma have come a large number
of new models and treatment interventions for crisis and trauma. This workshop will outline
some of the newest and groundbreaking research about trauma. It will also outline and review
some of the most promising models for crisis intervention and trauma treatment. Training
required, research on outcomes, and appropriate applications for each model will also be

Presented by: Jennifer Cisney Ellers, M.A. & Kevin Ellers, D.Min.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Discuss recent advances in the understanding of trauma and how it impacts people, including complex trauma, epigenetics, and generational trauma
  2. Explore treatment implications for some of the newer discoveries
  3. Review promising treatment models including Havening, ATIP, Animal-assisted therapy, and more