408 – A Good Blend: Ministry and Theory with Stepfamilies


Media Format: Audio Online Streaming

SKU: WC19-WK408SA Category:


Forty percent of homes with children in the U.S. are stepfamilies; a large percentage of them
will likely divorce, exposing children once again to family dissolution and uncertainty. Breaking
the generational cycle of divorce begins with preventing re-divorce in the blended family. If you
are a counselor, pastor, or ministry leader, you will be working with this large segment of
society. Come learn how to strengthen blended families in ministry and counseling contexts and
help them navigate the unique challenges of healthy stepfamily living.

Presented by: Ron Deal, M.MFT.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Apply EFT and Restoration Therapy to blended families and identify five, key steps to effective stepfamily therapy and pre-stepfamily counseling
  2. Analyze how family attachment, loss, and loyalty dynamics impact stepfamily development and the role of step-parenting
  3. Describe the differing roles of biological parents and stepparents as they relate to raising children in stepfamilies