502 – Vicarious Trauma: What Counselors and Supervisors Need to Know


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK502C Category:


Due to the sustained empathic relationship inherent in therapy, the trauma counselor?۪s belief
system and worldview are vulnerable to the effects of the traumatic experiences of clients.
These effects can be pervasive and may lead to personal and professional difficulties. Left
unattended, the cumulative effects of trauma work may put the counselor at risk for vicarious
traumatization. This presentation will focus on expanding the counselor?۪s understanding of the
differences between vicarious trauma, countertransference, and burnout. Attention will be
given to how vicarious trauma and caseload impact career longevity and increase awareness of
clinical factors that contribute to vicarious trauma. Ways to minimize the impact of vicarious
trauma, the importance of supervision, and trauma-sensitive supervision, along with strategies
for counselors and the supervision of clinicians who work with traumatic client material, will be
explored. Theoretical approaches and spirituality, along with ethical considerations that
mandate the attention of counselors, will be reviewed. Attendees will develop an increased

awareness of, and strategies to address, vicarious trauma in a manner that leads to overall
health and longevity in the field of counseling.

Presented by: Jama Davis, Ph.D. & Whitni Buckles, Ph.D. & Robyn Trippany Simmons, Ed.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Gain awareness of clinical factors that can contribute to the experience of vicarious trauma
  2. Develop strategies for mitigating the impact of vicarious trauma
  3. Explore supervisory responses to assist supervisees who are experiencing vicarious trauma