603 – Rediscovering God’s Design for Love, Sex, and Relationships


Media Format: Audio Online Streaming

SKU: WC19-WK603SA Category:


What do the body, relationships, and sex have to do with our clients?۪ flourishing? The answer
is???everything. Yet, Christian counselors have not discovered an integrated conceptualization
that provides a compelling way to discuss these sensitive topics with their clients. As a result,
Christian men and women struggle with misunderstandings, confusion and unspoken questions.
In this workshop, we will introduce a clear-cut theology and therapeutic model for
understanding the body, relationships and sex. This approach will result in a deepening of your
clients?۪ sense of self, whether single or married, as well as the way they experience
relationships with others. Join us and catch a vision for the body, relationships, and sex that
invites your clients to flourish according to their design.

Presented by: Linda Stewart, M.A. & Linda Noble, B.A.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Define human flourishing, enabling them to positively grow clients’ view of self and others in private practice, church, and group settings
  2. Identify prevailing thoughts and ideas about the body, relationships and sex that are< destructive to the clients’ experience of love, sex and relationships
  3. Study a theology of the body model in which to conceptualize a client’s view of his or her own and others’ bodies, sexuality and relationships