606 – Sexual Desire Issues in a Sexualized Culture: Best Practices Using Attribution Theory and the Incentive-Motivation Model


Media Format: Audio USB (MP3)

SKU: WC19-WK606A Category:


Problems related to sexual desire continue to be the most common sexual issues couples bring
to counseling. Workshop participants will review what couples say about sexual desire in
marriage from the latest research. What is really going on and how can we help? Initiating and
receptive desire will be explored along with roles of high vs low drive. Impact of increased
pornography and sexualized culture will be discussed along with theory and research for, and
against, recent changes in DSM-5 related to sexual desire. Special emphasis will be given to
attribution theory and the new Incentive-Motivation model and how to use them in assisting
couples seeking help with issues of sexual desire.

Presented by: Michael Sytsma, Ph.D. & Angela Landry, M.A.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Review and evaluate the latest research on sexual desire in couples including trends and influencers as well as current theories and models of intervention
  2. Explore current models of problem definition professionally (including DSM-5) and within couples with emphasis on how our definition exacerbates or eases the problem itself
  3. Differentiate which interventions might be more efficient with various sexual desire issue presentations in counseling