611 – Diagnostics When Medications Fail: A Systematic Approach to Finding Solutions


Media Format: Audio Online Streaming

SKU: WC19-WK611SA Category:


The appropriate usage of psychiatric medications can be life-changing, when they actually
work. In some cases, patients may receive little benefit or may actually get worse when
initiated on medication. This presentation will be case based and guide the participant through
a systematic analysis of the type of variables that may explain medication failure while

exploring solutions to each variable.

Presented by: Michael Lyles, M.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. List the type of variables that may explain a medication failure
  2. Describe how to use genetic testing to sort out possible contributions to medication failures
  3. Discuss when to consider options such as transcranial magnetic stimulation and intravenous ketamine infusions as treatments