624 – The Many Faces of That Sneaky Thing Called Grief


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK624C Category:


As long as we live on the Earth, grief will inevitably come into our lives. It will come to us???yes,
even to the lives of us???the counselors, pastors, and coaches. Can you recognize grief when it
comes into your life? How does grief express itself in your life? Are you aware of how you
express and experience grief in your life? Many professionals are often unaware when
experiencing a season of personal grief and loss. Many of us are unaware of how the emotion
of grief affects us, our relationships, and our work with others. Far too often we professionals
push on and when others show concern we respond with,?۝ I?۪m fine.?۝ Together we will explore
different faces of grief expression that affect the body, soul, and spirit. as well as gain insight
into when grief sneaks into our lives in disguise.

Presented by: Beth Gerhard-Burnham, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Identify and list the different types of grief
  2. Describe how they believe they express grief and loss in their own lives
  3. Analyze how grief affects them in body, soul, and spirit and will compile a wellness plan for use in times of grief, loss, and sadness