709 – Finding their Way: God’s Will for Children and Adolescents


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK709C Category:


In our current carnal and contaminated culture that is all too eager to share with our children
and adolescents how they should and should not feel, how they should and should not look,
what they should and should not value, and especially who they should and should not
become, how do we encourage and train our children and adolescents to shut out the blaring
noise of pop culture and pervasive sin and to instead lean into what God through His word has
to say about His will for their lives? How do we help them to navigate the challenges of stressed
family dynamics, peer pressure, depression and self-esteem? The competition is great to
capture the hearts, minds, and souls of our children and adolescents, but our call to support
and advocate for them is much greater. Many in this population are so confused and hopeless
that they embrace vices that spiral them into even greater deception and conflict in what
seems like a purposeless end. This is not God’s final plan for them; the prophet Jeremiah
reminds us of this, ???For I know the plans I have for you?۝ declares the Lord, ???plans to give you
hope and a future?۝ (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV). As we raise, counsel, and educate the beautiful
children and adolescents that we care for, let?۪s encourage and guide this special population into
the understanding of a purposeful God who has already designed a pathway of fulfillment for

Presented by: Aliva Baldwin, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Study the foundational principles of what God’s Word says about children and the godly plan for their lives as well as discuss the importance of praying for discernment for God’s will concerning children and adolescents
  2. Name and describe the different parenting styles, how they contribute to who children and adolescents become, and how to provide support for parents, educators, counselors, and caregivers
  3. Explore strategies of investing resources and time in children and adolescents as an offset to the intentional and harmful secular and technology-driven advertisement directed at this impressionable and vulnerable population