719 – Enhancing Performance without Falling Into the Performance Trap: Working with High Performing Individuals


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK719C Category:


This workshop will engage participants in a dialogue about the themes, theories, and
techniques important to working with high performing individuals and families. Theoretical
frameworks and case examples will be discussed to highlight current societal phenomena like
workaholism and over-dedication to achievement and performance outcomes, as well as the
impact on mental health, family functioning, and spirituality. Additionally, this workshop will
address counseling and coaching interventions that have been found to be effective in assisting
counselees in achieving performance-related goals in context to personal and spiritual values.

Presented by: Josh Kirby, Ph.D. & Cristina Sevadjian, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Identify subclinical and systemic issues during assessment of high performing individuals and families that supports appropriate differential diagnostics and treatment planning
  2. Explore case examples and formulate treatment objectives applicable to Christian counselees and families that can be translated and integrated into their respective counseling practice
  3. Be able to identify various performance-related concerns to help in providing appropriate supports for individuals and families seeking assistance from church leadership