


SKU: WC21-PC029 Category: Tags: ,


029: How to Flourish: Best Practices to Help Women Grow and be Resilient in Stressful Times

Mercy Connors, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 739
Forest, VA 24551

Dina Jones, M.A.
Choose Grace International
5207 Hickory Park Dr., Ste. E
Glen Allen, VA 23059

Join us as we discuss the best-proven biblical practices verified by current scientific research on Human Flourishing and guidance in God’s invitation for growth. These can be applied in counseling, life coaching, individual intensives, professional training, or retreats. We will explore how women can grow back better and thrive in all their primary life systems to mature in their relationships with God, themselves, and others—the antidotes to many of life’s challenges.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Describe God’s design verified by research to experience wholeness, well-being, transformation, growth, resilience, and living in fulfillment in all areas of life—body, mind, spirit, emotions, and relationships
• Analyze research-supported healing lifestyle rhythms for licensed mental health professionals to teach habits of the mind, stress resilience, and emotional intelligence skills
• Demonstrate the Flourish model to help women share their life stories, process the hurts and losses, make sense of their grief and losses to hear God’s invitation and guidance to heal, grow, and rebuild their livesc

Additional information

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