


SKU: WC21-PC040 Category: Tags: ,


040: Marriage on Purpose: Saying “I Do” When We Should Have Said “No Clue!”

Dan Seaborn, M.A.
Winning at Home, Inc.
300 S. State St., Ste. 13
Zeeland, MI 49419

Peter Newhouse, Ph.D.
Winning at Home, Inc.
300 S. State St., Ste. 13
Zeeland, MI 49419

Marriage on Purpose describes practical steps you can use for yourself or clients to grow in their marriages and relationships with God. Dan and Peter will share experiences from their own marriages and what they have seen impact couples over years of speaking and in clinical practice. The mistakes they share are relatable, and the insights they have can be practical tools to use in your own marriage and a clinical setting with clients.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify practical steps and insights they can be used while counseling married couples
• Demonstrate communication skills, both listening and talking, that can be used as tools in counseling sessions by licensed mental health professionals with a variety of clients
• Discuss principles such as selfishness, forgiveness, and apologizing in marriage
• Apply these principles in their sessions with married couples

Additional information

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