


SKU: WC21-PC050 Category: Tags: ,


050: When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People

Gary Thomas, D.D.
Western Seminary
5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland, OR 97215

As Christians, we often feel the guilt and responsibility of meeting the needs of unhealthy people in our lives. Whether a sibling, parent, spouse, coworker, or friend, toxic people frequently seek to frustrate our life’s calling. While you are seeking first God’s kingdom, they are seeking first to distract your focus and delay your work. Instead of attempting the impossible task of mollifying toxic people, it is time we dedicate our energy to the only worthwhile effort—completing the work God has given us by investing in reliable people. It is only when we learn to say no to destructive patterns that we can say yes to the good work God has planned for us. In this session, Gary Thomas will provide helpful tools and resources for mental health professionals to help clients walk away and find freedom from toxic people.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Evaluate the difference between difficult people and toxic people
• Identify how to walk away from someone who is toxic
• Recognize how to help coaching or pastoral counseling clients find their inner strength and invest in reliable people

Additional information

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