


SKU: WC21-PL060 Category: Tag:


060: Fractured Vessels and Living Water

Janet Parshall
In the Market with Janet Parshall
Moody Radio
820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60610

The world is filled with hurting, broken people. The Church should not only recognize this epidemic in our culture but should be the first responders to those who struggle with their mental health. However, the stigma against those who battle with mental illness still exists in the Church today. Why? How do we eradicate bigotry against those with broken minds? How do we encourage those who have been called to be the mercy-givers and wise counselors? This session is designed to encourage and “equip the Saints.”

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Discuss the size of the problem
• Discover the names of some who have struggled
• Delve into a familiar Bible story that offers new meaning

Additional information

Media Type

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