


SKU: WC21-WK106 Category: Tags: ,


106: Then God Made Woman: Understanding and Celebrating Female Sexuality

Nancy Houston, M.A.
Inside Out Leadership and Coaching
513 Clear Vista Dr.
Trophy Club, TX 76262

God created women in His perfect design, not as an after-thought. Some theologians call woman the crown of God’s creation, the crescendo, the final astonishing work of the creator. Yet, so many women have reported they don’t like their bodies or their sexuality. Their bodies and sex have created lots of pain and shame, and many have learned how to separate themselves from their bodies, often starting at young ages. Women can feel shame for developing into a female body because of comments and leering, eventually believing they are only valued for their bodies. This shaming of the female body can frequently lead to deep-seated feelings of rejection. When women are reduced to sexual objects or seen as either a threat or created to serve men’s sexual desires dutifully, it affects their sense of dignity and self-regard. It is demeaning to all, both females and males. The most current research has discovered new findings of the female body and our God-given capacity for sexual pleasure and delight. This research shows that females are just as sexual as males and have different routes to their pleasure centers. I invite coaches, lay counselors, and pastors to attend this track to learn the marvels and mysteries of God’s creation!

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Analyze the most current discoveries on female anatomy
• Identify assumptions and caricatures of female sexuality that have been proven incorrect by research
• Articulate greater understanding of female sexuality that can restore dignity and respect for God’s divine plan

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