


SKU: WC21-WK107 Category: Tags: ,


107: Sex, God, and the Chaos of Betrayal: Couples Recovery from Sexual Brokenness

Roane Hunter, Sr., M.S.
Lifeworks Counseling
940 Ebenezer Blvd.
Madison, MS 39110

Eva P. Hunter, M.S.
Lifeworks Counseling
940 Ebenezer Blvd.
Madison, MS 39110

Presenters will explain an approach informed by the latest research of couples’ recovery from sexual betrayal, including pornography, affairs, and sexual addiction. The approach is designed for licensed mental health professionals to develop treatment plans to help clients in the recovery process. Presenters will use their own stories of recovery from sexual brokenness/sexual addiction to provide three unique perspectives as the one facing sexual addiction and/or sexual brokenness, as the partner of sexual brokenness, and as a couple.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Outline insights and practical steps for licensed mental health professionals to help their clients recover from false intimacy and sexual brokenness
• Analyze the latest clinical research and treatment practices for the increasing numbers of couples and individuals dealing with this issue
• Develop treatment plans for couples going through this recovery process

Additional information

Media Type

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