


SKU: WC21-WK206 Category: Tags: ,


206: Sex-positive Christianity: God’s Inside-out Sexual Celebration

Doug Rosenau, Ed.D.
Sexual Wholeness, Inc.
1325 Satellite Blvd., Ste. 1502
Suwanee, GA 30024

Juli Slattery, Ph.D.
Authentic Intimacy
2926 State Rd., #129
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223

From St. Augustine to the Purity Movement, Christianity has focused more on what we should not do sexually with shame, fear, and ignorance. A very ineffective “carrot or the stick” morality has evolved with Christians (girls given the primary responsibility) trying to keep from immoral sexual behaviors so they can get God’s reward—the carrot of an amazing sex life in marriage—or He will have to punish them with the stick of terrible, lasting consequences for sinful sexual choices. This workshop goes beyond focusing on behaviors with shame or fear and celebrates God’s plan for sexual wholeness. The presenters start with an inside-out approach with God and Scripture, promoting healthy sexual attitudes by developing a biblical sexual narrative and values framework that dramatically differs from the common cultural or purity narrative. A part of this new narrative is identifying how singles can be sexually whole and demonstrating how women can be empowered with a sexual voice and experience mutually playful lovemaking in marriage. Christians, above all others, can cultivate God’s plan for writing an intimate, positive sexual story in their communities, whether single or married.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Describe a biblical sexual narrative that differs from the common cultural or sexual purity account and celebrates a sex-positive Christianity
• Identify how single adults can celebrate their valuable place in the Christian community and be sexually whole
• Demonstrate the possibility and importance for coaches and pastoral counseling of women having a sexual voice and reveling in marriages that have mutually intimate lovemaking

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