


SKU: WC21-WK301 Category: Tags: ,


301: Deterioration of Resiliency: The Alarming Impact on Families and Communities Experiencing Multiple Disasters

Michele Louviere, M.Div.
The Refuge 18-2
3525 Hessmer Ave., Ste. 308
Metairie, LA 70002

Research indicates that the more trauma individuals experience, the greater the chances of developing PTSD and other physical and mental health challenges. Before COVID, traumatic events such as man-made and natural disasters have repeatedly hit some communities, such as the wildfires on the West Coast and hurricanes on the Gulf Coast of the United States. These communities already had individuals who were exhausted from the ongoing traumatic suffering. With the length of the COVID pandemic, the resiliency of many of these communities is wearing thin. This workshop will focus on ways mental health professionals can help vulnerable communities that experience multiple traumatic events heal and build resiliency.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Discuss specific challenges regarding individuals and communities that experience multiple traumatic events
• Identify ways that the pandemic has increased mental and physical health issues in vulnerable communities
• Describe strategies for licensed mental health professionals on helping increase resiliency in vulnerable disaster communities

Additional information

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