


SKU: WC21-WK308 Category: Tags: ,


308: Strengthening the Father-Daughter Bond Using Proven Resources to Enrich Their Psychological, Relational, and Spiritual Well-being

Michelle Watson Canfield, Ph.D.
Michelle Watson Counseling, Inc.
9288 SW 77th Ave.
Portland, OR 97223

Ken Canfield, Ph.D.
National Center for Fathering
P.O. Box 2865
Olathe, KS 66063

All women are daughters. The impact of fathering daughters is increasingly cited as a core foundational component for psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual vitality in women. With the epidemic of fatherlessness, coupled with the impact of the #MeToo movement that uncovered unconscionable abuse of women, our daughters are vulnerable. This presentation will provide empirically-based strategies to identify and assess individual, relational, and cultural aspects resulting from a father’s presence and absence in a daughter’s life. Experiential techniques will be presented to identify and address the dynamics of the father-daughter relationship as a key component in the therapeutic process. Participants will acquire effective tools to enhance their clinical skill set and facilitate strengthening the father-daughter bond.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify key areas in a daughter’s psychological/emotional/social/spiritual development and well-being
• Integrate spiritual principles for Christian clients that highlight the relationship between earthly fathers and God as Father
• Learn five relational strategies that can be incorporated into their clinical practice for licensed mental health professionals to strengthen the father-daughter bond

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