


SKU: WC21-WK320 Category: Tags: ,


320: Restoring-Self-Cohesion (RSC): A Model of Spirit-led Psychoanalysis

Shannan Crawford, Psy.D.
Dr. Crawford & Associates, PLLC
1664 Keller Pkwy., Ste. 102
Keller, TX 76248

Historically, there has been a vast chasm between psychoanalysis and faith-based models of inner healing and freedom ministry. Building upon Relational Psychoanalysis and Object Relations, including publications such as, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: A Practitioner’s Guide by Dr. Nancy McWilliams, and Psychoanalytic Case Formulation by Dr. Nancy McWilliams, Dr. Shannan Crawford offers a spirit-led approach to bridge that chasm in a model called Restoring-Self-Cohesion (RSC). RSC provides practitioners with a unifying model that creates a frame by which the profound insights of personality structure and relational templates offered by relational psychoanalysis can harmoniously blend with spirit-led models of inner healing in a fluid approach that remains within the boundaries of empirically supported psychotherapy.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Describe relational psychoanalysis and how it can complement a biblical worldview and create a beneficial frame for the therapeutic relationship for psychologists and licensed mental health professionals
• Appraise the Restoring-Self-Cohesion (RSC) model for clinicians to fluidly integrate spiritual formation concepts, such as progressive sanctification with relational psychoanalysis
• Summarize techniques from a spirit-led clinical demonstration of the Restoring-Self-Cohesion approach

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