


SKU: WC21-WK513 Category: Tags: ,


513: I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me: Treating Borderline Personality Disorder from an Attachment Perspective

Shannae Anderson, Ph.D.
Shannae Anderson, Ph.D.
325 E. Hillcrest Dr., Ste. 207
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are notoriously difficult to treat, given their emotional and relational volatility. This workshop will explore the nature, etiology, and treatment of borderline personality disorder from an attachment perspective. Attachment theory and research will be presented, as well as its connection to the development and maintenance of this disorder. Unique and powerful treatment techniques will be introduced to demonstrate how attachment relationships with the therapist, the patient, and God can help heal this serious and debilitating disorder.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify the three different insecure attachment patterns in those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
• Describe how insecure attachment styles in childhood evolve into dysfunctional relational dynamics in those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
• Articulate the unique attachment strategies for psychologists and licensed mental health professionals for treating individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder

Additional information

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