


SKU: WC21-WK524 Category: Tags: ,


524: Communication Patterns of Families Facing Addictions: Helping Clients with Different Parenting Styles

Ashley Elliott, M.S.
Elliott Life Coaching
10685 Titan Dr.
Newburgh, IN 47630

Charles Elliott, M.A.
Elliott Life Coaching
10685 Titan Dr.
Newburgh, IN 47630

Communication about sensitive topics can be challenging in any family; add addiction to the equation, and the results can be dire. In this workshop, the presenters will explain results from interviews with family members who have a loved one facing addiction. Then, they will present Switch Theory, which will increase awareness of positive and negative communication habits and the needs being met through the behavior. Finally, Switch Theory will be applied to parenting styles, enabling participants to teach acquired skills to clients.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Analyze results from a qualitative study evaluating communication patterns of families facing addiction that will enable them to support those who are family members with a loved one in recovery or struggling with addiction through establishing healthier communication habits
• Examine the cognitive patterns of parents whose children are in recovery or struggle with addiction to incorporate and establish communication goals in a treatment plan in a clinical setting
• Formulate action plans for sessions for an addiction counselor or licensed mental health professional using Switch Theory, applying it to parenting styles, and writing questions that can be utilized to better help clients identify ineffective communication strategies and improve their parenting skills

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