


SKU: WC21-WK613 Category: Tags: ,


613: The New Us: Couples Counseling and Addiction Recovery

Michael Grogan, Ph.D.
LoveWorks Counseling
13720 Jetport Commerce Pkwy.
Fort Myers, FL 33990

Everette Coffman, Ph.D.
Priority One Coaching, Counseling, and Consulting
301 Frontage Rd. Ste A
Clermont, FL 34711

Addiction Recovery has traditionally ignored or postponed inviting marriage partners and significant others into the addiction recovery process. This model has contributed to marital distress and treatment failure. Our proposal is to assist helping professionals in introducing couple counseling immediately into recovery. This will: 1) Add strength and partnership into the recovery process, and 2) Reduce confusion and misunderstanding from recovery. In addition, it will enhance and strengthen the emotional bond of marriage while improving the chance of successful marriage and reduce marital stress that contributes to relapse.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Evaluate the concept of early intervention of couple therapy to the recovery process
• Describe addiction recovery as a collaborative process between the recovering person, his or her partner, and the addiction counselor or licensed mental health professional
• Outline the latest couple counseling tools with the best practices and interventions to optimize the effectiveness of addiction treatment while enhancing marital satisfaction

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