


SKU: WC21-WK622 Category: Tags: ,


622: DESIGN Your Coaching Practice

Shawn Breeden, M.A.
Forward Walking Coaching
4196 E. Whitehall Dr.
San Tan Valley, AZ 85140

Professionals seeking to establish a coaching practice often struggle to identify a specific coaching specialty, connect with clients, and set billing rates that clients will pay. This presentation will explain how to build or grow a coaching practice using the DESIGN process. When attempting to transition from “friendly advice giver” to professional coach, many professionals find difficulty explaining how they can help others. Often, professionals will focus on creating a “funnel” system or other social network marketing instead of developing a specific area of coaching and leveraging current relationships to connect with clients. The DESIGN process will help professionals shift to developing expertise and connecting with clients intentionally. Specifically, this presentation will demonstrate how coaches can identify their personal Drivers and understand past Experiences to identify a specific area of coaching expertise. Next, participants will understand the need Strengthen their abilities and accomplish this through professional development, skill certifications, and credentialing. This knowledge can be combined with current relationships to connect to a potential client base and Invite trust and establish a value proposition for one’s coaching. Professionals will learn how Gratitude plays a role in developing a successful coaching practice and the willingness to say “yes” to opportunities. Finally, participants will understand how to Nurture current relationships and establish new relationships to build a sustainable coaching practice. Over the last five years, the presenter has developed a professional coaching practice generating six-figure revenue every year without using funnel systems or other mass-networking approaches. The presenter will share examples, both personal and antidotal, of success and failures to implement the DESIGN process through the presentation.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Identify individual drivers and experiences which form the base for a coaching practice
• Discuss methods to increase proximity to potential clients through existing relationships
• Describe successful approaches to generating a value proposition for one’s coaching practice

Additional information

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