013. Solomon: The First Practitioner of Positive Psychology 

013. Solomon: The First Practitioner of Positive Psychology 


Approved for 1 CEs for Psychologists, Licensed Professionals Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, and Chemical Dependency Counselors 

Approved for 1 CMEs for Medical Doctors, Osteopathic Physicians, and Physicians Assistants 

Approved for 1 CEUs for Nurses and Nurse Practitioners 

Approved for 1 IBCC CEs for Pastors, Pastoral Counselors, Teachers, and Coaches 

Level: Beginner 


Ron Hawkins, Ed.D. 


Positive psychology has been a new and upcoming field of research and practice that has helped so many, but where did these principles originate? In this workshop, participants will discuss the context that gave birth to what has become known as Positive Psychology.  Clinicians and medical professionals will identify and discuss the major elements that adherents to a Positivistic approach to Psychology have promoted as keys to human flourishing and personal wellbeing.  Participants will then examine the context that gave birth to Solomonic Wisdom and examine the notion that Solomon was perhaps the first practitioner of Positive Psychology.  

Learning Objectives:  

  1. Identify and describe the contribution of Positive Psychology to the scientific study of what enables individuals and communities to thrive. 
  1. Examine and discuss current research on the role of positive emotions in the attainment and maintenance of human flourishing and wellbeing. 
  1. Identify and discuss points of convergence between Solomonic Wisdom and Positive Psychology and the clinical relevance of that convergence for working with clients who value religious faith.