

Three Signs Your Marriage Could Be Emotionally Bankrupt

 Lisa Murray, M.A.   It was the perfect day for a wedding. Their eyes were filled with love and longing, their dreams diffused by tint of their rose-colored glasses. Those early years together tore through like a whirlwind. The first little house, the first bouncing baby, the first big job promotion—it was all exciting, almost […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Why are Females being Missed on the Autism Spectrum (AS/ASD)? Part 1

Stephanie C. Holmes, BCCC, Certified Autism Specialist An Interview with author and advocate, Tracey Cohen   At a workshop I was teaching a few years ago, I shared a video interview of my daughter without identifying her as such. My daughter, who was 15 at the time, was discussing her challenges and struggles with Asperger’s […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Twilight Meditations

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Here Comes the Son

    Herb Stricklin, M.S.   One thing that is certain in life is that if a person tells you something once, it might be interesting. If they tell you something twice, it might be kind of important. If they tell you the same thing for a third time, they are making it clear that […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Forever Love

“He has also set eternity in the human heart.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV) This past week I was listening to a love song that spoke about eternal love as a bride and her husband started off their married life together. The melody itself was soulful, lilting, and even sorrowing as it moved through my mind. It […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Are Your Desires At Stake?

    An excerpt from Souls Like Stars: Renew Your Mind, Heal Your Heart, Unveil Your Shine by Margaret Nagib, PsyD.   God’s plan to give you the future you hope for involves allowing him to fulfill your deepest desires. You can’t know love without embracing them. They are good, and the fulfillment of them […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

How Today’s Pornography Harms: What Christian Counselors Need to Know Tomorrow

John D. Foubert, Ph.D.   Not long ago, the total depravity of pornography struck me in the face and shocked my conscience. While researching ways to prevent sexual violence on college campuses I was struck by how the pornography industry undermined my work without mercy. This realization led me to read about 200 books and […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

The Eyes of Christ

Eric Scalise, Ph.D.   What do you see when you look at your husband or wife? Your son or daughter? The next door neighbor when she pulls out of her driveway? The bank teller or postal clerk? The homeless man sleeping on a bench or the cashier at the grocery store? It’s easy to take […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

The Shared History of Coaching and Counseling

  Katherine Brazelton, Ph.D. Mental health professionals and professionally certified life coaches ask questions, listen, provide accountability, problem-solve, encourage emotional wellness, and offer resources that move hurting people forward (Holmes, 2016). Not surprisingly, both counselors and coaches share historical roots in the helping profession, albeit many of our forerunners did not, nor modern-day peers do […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

The Idolatry of Addiction: From Bondage to Freedom

  Eric Scalise, Ph.D.   Marriages and families today are facing an epidemic of addiction related issues and problems. Some addictions involve the use of chemicals and substances and other addictions are more behavioral. Nevertheless, the statistics are staggering and they are sobering:     There are an estimated 15 million alcoholics and 10 million […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago