

New Year’s Dreams versus Decisions: Helping Clients Lose Weight

Rhona Epstein, Psy.D.     Are you kidding? Another New Year’s resolution to lose weight? Whether it’s you or a client, all of us are guilty of dreaming we’ll eat better, exercise more, wear more attractive outfits, and put on that bathing suit this summer. The list goes on to the endless fantasies we have […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

New Year’s Resolution: Healthy Marriage, Mind, and Body

W. Jesse Gill, Psy.D. As you approach this New Year, let’s take a moment to understand, improve, or maybe even begin to heal your marriage connection. The benefits of a secure marriage are priceless for increasing your sense of fulfillment, and they might even save your life. Then the Lord God said, “It is not […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

A Love Like That

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. “God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God.”  -Max Lucado “We must never be naïve enough to think of marriage as a safe harbor from the fall…The deepest struggles of life will occur in the most primary […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Living in Relationship with God

Steve Wright, M.A. I was sitting in church the other day and as I listened to the pastor expound about overcoming adversity, I had some thoughts of my own about how people grow. Spiritual development is about a person going from immature to mature. Immaturity is marked by selfishness. Maturity is marked by selflessness. The […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Handling Holiday Stress: An Interview with Dr. Eric Scalise

Eric Scalise, Ph.D. Interviewed by Dina Jones, M.A.     We are only three days away from Christmas! How are you doing emotionally? Have you made time to rest and worship? Are you dreading what’s left of your to do list or seeing a certain family member? 75% of people experience “extreme stress” during the holidays, […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Emmanuel – God With Us

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. “One of two things you must do; you must either receive Him or reject Him. You receive Him here and He will receive you there; you reject Him here and He will reject you there.” -D. L. Moody Anna. Rarely will you see her in a Christmas play.  Out of the four […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Don’t Miss This Christmas

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. “And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Wise Men Still Seek Him

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. “If you’re sincerely seeking God, God will make His existence evident to you.” -William Lane Craig  A manger.  The baby Jesus.  Mary.  Joseph.  A star. No Christmas play would be complete without the three wise men. Matthew records the amazing story of the “Magi” who “after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

Integrating Spirituality into Therapy

Stephen Wright, M.A., LCPC, RDDP     There have been numerous studies validating the positive impact spirituality has on mental health and well-being (Brown, Carney, Parrish, & Klem, 2013; Galanter, Dermatis, Post, & Sampson, 2013; Starnino & Canda, 2014). Spirituality has been shown to both insulate against the development of mental illness as well as […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago

For the Love of Zombie Teens and their Parents

David L. Henderson, MD Raising teenagers can be scary, yet parents possess the power to affect positive change in their child’s life. When it comes to a struggling teenager—especially the undead, zombie-like adolescent living in the next bedroom—the fears that parents harbor lead them to enact many of the same defense mechanisms and cognitive distortions […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago