

Created for Covering: Covering for Men

Robert Shaw, D.Min.   Excerpted with permission from Created for Covering: Understanding the Concept of Safety and Covering in Relationships for Men and Women.     The concept of covering can be also expressed by the term “headship”, but many might recoil at this term.  The idea of submission is also a chronic conflict within […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Biblical Paradoxes

Amanda L. Giordano, Ph.D.     A paradox is a statement that contains seemingly contradictory constructs, yet can be true. Paradoxical statements can cause discomfort because the simultaneous existence of apparently opposing elements creates a certain kind of tension. Paradoxes compel us to step outside of our neatly organized, mutually exclusive categories and embrace complexity. […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

The Local Church as a Hospital Model: Meeting People Where They are and Helping Move Them to Where God Wants Them to Be

Jack Dutton, M.A.   The question of whether the local church or the secular world is best suited to help people is constantly debated and neither side gives much credence to the other. The secular world has often looked down on the faith-based help provided by the local church as being, in their opinion, too […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Anxiety and Faith

Marian Eberly, MSW, LCSW, RN, BCPCC, Ph.D.     Christians who suffer with anxiety frequently report a sense of guilt and perceptions of judgment from God and others. Rebecca, a 50 year old woman,  being treated for an eating disorder and anxiety symptoms, expressed incredible guilt for having ravaged her body for many years with binge-eating, […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Rules for Parents during Play Time: A Case for Filial Play Therapy

Brittney S. George, M.A. The Association for Play Therapy recently celebrated its annual International Play Therapy Week. A time used to educate and advocate on both local and global scales, the APT took care to put out videos, hold trainings, and fill various social media outlets about the often overlooked evidence-based practice. It is a […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Where Are You?

Robert Shaw, D.Min.     Excerpted with permission from Created for Significance: Discovering Who Defines Us and How We Obtain our Significance.     I believe that there are essentially six core longings:  love, safety, understanding, belonging, purpose, and significance.  Regardless of culture, ethnicity, age, or gender, these core longings exist in every human spirit.  […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Only 51 Weeks to Go!

Jared Pingleton, Psy.D.   Probably by now the flowers have faded, the chocolate has been eaten, and the cards have been discarded. Once again, our attentions are understandably focused back on the regular routines and responsibilities of life. Valentine’s Day may be a nice, lingering memory, but we still need to love and be loved […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago


Sarah Newhard, LCPC, LMFT.   “If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves otherwise it’s like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than Him.”  Although C.S. Lewis penned this truth over half a century ago (found in “The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis”), the message of self grace, trust, and forgiveness still wars against […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Are You An Ambassador?

Eric Scalise, Ph.D.   Not that long ago, I was sorting through a drawer full of odds and ends—items long forgotten—and a small clasped envelope drew my attention. When I opened it up, a flood of memories swept over me. The envelope contained all of my father’s passports. He was a diplomat with the U.S. […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Three Keys to Leading and Influencing Others from your Strengths

  John Trent, Ph.D.   I have a good friend who is a businessman and an avid golfer. Several years ago, on an international business trip, he was invited to play on the King of Morocco’s personal golf course—fittingly called “The King’s Course.” He got up to the first tee, which was a dogleg right. […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago