Who Is The Least of These?
Sandy Egle, M.S. The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ – Matthew 25:40 I want to challenge us to think about who is the “least of these”. I believe that the answer to this question is relative. We […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
Christian Counseling – Treating the Disease rather than the Symptoms
Joshua Spaulding Christian leaders dedicate their lives to the advancement of the gospel. The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16). The “salvation” referred to in the first chapter of Romans (and throughout the Scriptures) is spiritual. It is the salvation from the penalty, power and presence of sin. Though God certainly […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
When You Love Someone Who is Facing Addiction
Chemical dependence is occurring at epidemic proportions in the world in which we live. During President Obama’s recent and final State of the Union address, he spent some of those precious moments discussing the topic of addiction and the effects it has and will continue to have on our nation if left unabated. As […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
Dr. Tim Jennings: Champion of Health Award
Dr. Jennings has been named a Champion of Health by True Health Broadcasting Network in association with Health Institute for Preventive Care, Access, Research and Education (HIPCARE) and True Health TV and will be presented with the “Legacy Champion of Health” award at a Gala on Saturday, April 16, 2016, 6pm to 10pm at […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
Taking in God’s Love
Juliet Caceres, PsyD. February is the month of love. What better time to contemplate the source of all love and to consider His extraordinary love for us? A “love” scripture often quoted is Song of Solomon 6:31: “I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.” What a beautiful declaration of the certainty […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
Lessons for the Clinician through the Steps of AA
Raymond Alvarez, MS, LCSW As I began working in the field of substance abuse, I learned that addiction and Christianity have more in common than one might think. Four years ago, I was asked, “Why substance abuse?” At the time I shared that it is nice to work in a field where there is so […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
A Special Place with God
Julie Woodley, M.A. This place. This place that God has me in; this vulnerable, dependent space where I find pure beauty and joy has awakened my heart to do something more. It reminds me that the world is dying to know and experience this kind of extravagant love as well. The more I give away, […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
The Baby Boomers’ Dilemma: Generativity or Stagnation?
Jacqueline Gatewood, Psy.D. I remember when my youngest was going through the tantrum phase; my friends were quick to advise: “It’s just a stage. He’ll outgrow it.” And so it was—just a stage, one of many. It seems that life is made up of going through stages and, according to theorists, this continues over a […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
Why Emotional Abundance Holds the Key To Lasting Peace
Lisa Murray, M.A., LMFT For most of my life I felt anything but abundant. I was exhausted trying to be everything for everybody. I was obsessed with winning other’s approval. I was terrified of rejection. I was demanding and critical of myself. I could never speak my thoughts and feelings and I did my very best […]
By THE AACC, 9 years ago
Wait For It: Seeking God in Troubling Times
Margaret Nagib, Psy.D. The Urban Dictionary describes the all too popular phrase “wait for it” as: “A sentence enhancing phrase used to illustrate the epicness of an object/situation/event.” Epicness. Is that even a word? No doubt it’s another Urban Dictionary concoction, but surely the word I would use to describe what lies next for those brave enough to ask God the […]